September Meetings
The members of the Competitive College Club met on September 21st for another session with the EdUSA Adviser Biljana Kuzmanovska and Peace Corps Volunteer Erin Houlihan. The advising session with Ms. Kuzmanovska and the SAT preparation session with PCV Houlihan were the two activities with which the participants of the Club were occupied with during this Saturday.

On September 25th 2013 the EducationUSA Competitive College Club met for another session with Ms. Biljana Kuzmanovska, EducationUSA Adviser and Coordinator of American Corner Bitola. On this meeting the students started filling out the General Common Application and gathering information about this document. This practice was to get the general objective of how the application looks like, and also to make sure they have all the necessary documents that are required during the process of applying to U.S. College.
The second part of the meeting was dedicated on sharing tips for writing a good college essay. This part of the session was to practice and to get some tips from past successful essays.

The AC Bitola rounded the month of September with the Book club event. This traditional program at the Corner took place on September 28th and was held with the help of the Peace Corps Volunteer Karli-Marie Reyes-Dimovska. This time the participants at Book club and members of the AC Bitola's Competitive College Club chose to read and discuss the book "Little Women" by the American author Louisa May Alcott. Besides debating the book plot, the attendees also practiced numerous phrases and words in order to enrich their SAT vocabulary.
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