"Study in the U.S." w/ Stephanie Larsen

On May 17th 2016 the American Corner Bitola organized a Coffee with a Diplomat event on the topic “Study in the U.S." with Ms. Stephanie Larsen, U.S. Embassy Macedonia. Ms. Larsen shared her experience by answering students' questions such as: “Where are you interested in studying? What do you want out of a school—school size, sports and extra-curricular programs, location etc?. Stephanie also talked more about the opportunities EducationUSA network offers and pointed out to some valuable resources and organizations that can help international high school students enrich their volunteering experience when preparing to apply to U.S. universities. She was also interested to hear more about what students want to study and gave them great tips on how to prepare their college lists. Students on the other hand had many questions about Ms. Larsen's college experience and how she sees it from today's perspective.